
Polymide 5, a New International Biocosmetics Formulation Technology, Proven for Its Anti-Aging Efficacy

“Five proven anti-aging effects, including eye wrinkles and face lifting” (Test No.: CBRC-E-220523-41) Cellinol-5 Cream from Celltem Pharm's new bio-cosmetics brand “Percent Science” has been...

Dr. Yuben Moodley reviews how personalized medicine is transforming healthcare

Precision medicine or personalized medicine offers a way for health care providers to plan a patient’s treatment based on their individual needs. By combining...

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Ranking the top 3 most significant research discoveries of the decade

For the science world, the 2010s decade was a period of excitement and wonder, as acclaimed researchers and scientists...

Cutting funds to the ABC is so controversial

Following the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), which remains Australia’s national broadcaster, was...

4 controversial moments from Gina Rinehart’s career

Gina Rinehart is arguably one of the most controversial business magnates in Australia. She is the chairperson of Hancock...

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Ranking the top 3 most significant research discoveries of the decade

For the science world, the 2010s decade was a...

Cutting funds to the ABC is so controversial

Following the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the...

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